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Welcome to D-Papers, my humble wallpapers archive.
I'm aware of the fact I'm not the best wallpapers maker ever, and I have no interest whatsoever to build a complete and huge collection of wallpapers focused on one or two subjects (for example movies or anime). I just make wallpapers for my own pleasure and I can eventually turn into wallpaper anything I really like. If there's somebody out there who likes some of my works, I'm glad and "proud" of it (ah, the narcissism!). If not, well, it's not my problem, really. I do not accept suggestions or requests for future wallpapers. As I said, I only make them for my own entertainment and/or if I like the subject. Anyway, I do not despise clever criticism (not the kind of comments like "This sucks!", please).

Site Info
Layout assembled with Adobe Photoshop 6 and Arachnophilia. Photos courtesy of Getty Images. This site is part of Demigod.NU.
Best viewed with IE 5.5+ with a resolution of 1024x768.

All wallpapers contained in this site are property of Panuru, so don't steal, don't edit, don't put them on your websites and don't claim you have made them. They're for personal use only. If you want to take them for other purposes, drop me a line. If I find out you're not respecting my work and my simple requests, I'll probably have to kill you by chopping your head off. Sorry.